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Friday, March 18, 2005


I have no idea what is worse -- going along, gray and tidy.....or climbing up steep hills only to tumble back down into the valley. The hilltop is nice -- the view can be spectacular! -- but doesn't the hill require the valley?

My mother had an episode, several years ago. She ended up in a geriatric psych unit, and eventually underwent electroshock. Now, I am a believer in electroshock. I know it can be a miracle. For her, though....after her second treatment, she was no longer herself. Most of her pesonality (along with about 2 years of memories) were gone forever. When she died, it was hard to mom had died years before.

The thrust of this thought is not about electroshock or is about the choosing between the plains and the mountains. I wonder if she would have made the trade.


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