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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Moving On

Here's a response to my earlier question posited here: What do you do when you've fulfilled your dream (or one of your dreams, at least)?

After playing Quixote, I don't have much of a desire to perform right now. I've never been that compelled to perform anyway, and since most roles won't compare, I don't know if I'll even want to get on stage much anymore. I really, however, have the bug to direct, and it's been re-awakened in me. I have mixed emotions about myself as an actor -- I usually think I'm probably competent, but rarely much more than that -- but I think I'm a damn good director. With certain shows, at least, I think I bring a sensibility to the table that a lot of directors might not. Ego? Yup. Repentent about it? Nope.

So...I'll certainly take the summer off, but I'll look for a directing gig come fall.

That said, having been seen in "Man of La Mancha" (and bad review notwithstanding), I've been getting attention from other directors and theatres...I've been contacted already 4 or 5 times, asking me to play a part in one of their upcoming productions. I don't know if I'll do one or not, but it's sure flattering to have someone reach out to me and ask.


At 3:26 PM, Blogger Aisha T. said...

Well, that's a compliment! Do what you can. Enjoy your roles if you take them and I bet if you take a directing gig, the write up on it will be most positive! Have fun on you much needed holiday, Ted.


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