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Friday, February 02, 2007

TGI, you know, F

's been a long week.

I caught myself a cold. It's not the worst in the world, but it's not exactly fun. The thing is this: I never get sick. It's been, probably, 3 years since I've had a cold. I've only had the flu once in my entire life. I do get headaches -- that's my particular unwelliosity -- but I don't, generally, get colds or contagious stuff.

Probably because no self-respecting bug would take up residence in this particular meaty habisphere.

And even though I'm tired -- and thank the good Lord himself for coffee! -- I can't seem to sleep.


I have 10 pages to go on the update of my novel. I can't wait to finish this pass, because completing this re-write will be the moment at which I've completed a book that's not completely and hideously unreadable. I'd like to finish it by Sunday night, so that Monday I can plunge right into rewriting dialogue.

The next step is to turn "not hideously unreadable" into "almost acceptable".


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