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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Iconic me?

Well, we've begun rehearsals of this Christmas show I'm doing. I've never played a part like Santa Claus before.

Interesting, by the way, that the author misspelled Santa's name consistently throughout the play....not sure what, if anything, that tells you.

Well, having begun the rehearsal process, it might not be that bad of a show. In fact, it'll be fine; and moderately entertaining. The only thing is that there's nothing special about's not really different from 143,000 other Christmas shows....excepting the one thing: as Santa, my first 4 lines in the show are simply loud, resonant, lingering belches.

I've got those lines, at least, memorized already.

The biggest concern is that this show will be, I'm afraid, woefully under-rehearsed. I think I'll be fine -- I've done enough shows by now that I kinda know my way around the stage. Remains to be seen how the rest of the cast is, though.

As I said, I've never played an iconic part before -- basically, everyone has an idea of how Santa should look and sound, and I daren't vary too far from that....and yet, I don't want to let myself slide into Santa caricature.

By the way, is it too much "method" if I let myself gain a ton of weight in the next several weeks? I"m already growing a (very unattractive) beard for the part.


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