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Thursday, November 03, 2005


I sang with the choir last night. Maybe -- maybe! -- my voice is starting to (slightly slightly) sound a little nicer. My range still stinks, and the upper part of what little range I have still sounds like a coyote with its privates in a vise, but maybe -- maybe! -- my (few) midrange notes are starting to regain (a little) quality to the tone.

Still hurts just as much as it ever did -- after about 3 minutes of singing, it feels like a red-hot ice pick is being jabbed directly into my voicebox -- but if I could at least sing a little better, I'd be happier.

I also worked right up until choir time, and then worked at home until about 1:00 a.m. on the stuff I've committed to doing. I'm tired (duh), but at least I'm making great progess on the list. I finished the job for Mark, and the tracking software I'm writing is in excellent shape (although still far from done). The theatre set is also in excellent shape, although also far from done. Still, as a rehearsal space, it defines the work space for the actors, which is all they need (at this point).

One day at a time -- it's all I've got to work with, anyway. Tonight will (hopefully) be an intense but productive time of knocking out work. And if not, maybe it'll be an intense (but unproductive) time of sipping Michael Shea's followed by napping. Hey, gotta have a plan, no?


At 5:37 PM, Blogger Aisha T. said...

Ted: HOOORRRAAAY! Glad your range is improving. Sorry to hear that it hurts like that--go easy on yourself. We no want permanent damage! Anyway, I hope that you post a pic of the set--sounds like you put a lot of work, sweat and time into it.


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