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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Time for Me

Actually, following the previous thought, I really need to find a way to clear up some of my life. It is my life, after all.

Among my responsibilities are two choirs, theatre board, theatre technical direction (including all set design and construction), play reading committee (which involves reading about 20 plays (usually this is a springtime push)), theatre program preparation (for three shows), theatre marketing committee, boy scout video preparation (three times a year), boy scout high adventure committee, ushering, projector operation (about once a month), directing and producing the Christmas pageant..... all these (and, really, a host of other smaller tasks that I didn't list) are in addition to trying to keep a house, and be a dad, and take care of my cars, so forth.

So when do I have the time to continue my hiking goals (last year, I walked the complete (60ish miles) Metropark system -- next year, I want to begin the Buckey Trail (Cleveland to Cincinnatti (250 miles)); and when do I have time to finish re-writing my novel; and when do I have time to work with my scroll saw, or practice my guitar, or actually perform in any shows, or finish my basement and remodel my kitchen? All these are things that I consciously chose to put aside while I did stuff for everybody else this year.

It's too much....especially when you consider that a lot of the items are not tasks I enjoy -- I'm simply doing them to be helpful.

So. Next year....I am committing right now to drop some of these things. I'm definitely going to drop at least one commitment from the theatre, and from the scouts, and from church. At least one from each. I don't mind being busy (it's pretty much who I am, I think), but I want to be more busy doing things for me. Doesn't seem too much to ask, does it?


At 8:18 PM, Blogger Aisha T. said...

Take some time out for yourself, big guy! You certainly deserve it!


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