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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Nuts? Not so

I've been busy lately -- I'm not much of a sit-around guy -- but I surely haven't been anywhere near as crazy-go-nuts as I was at the end of last year. Lately, I've just been muddling through, doing this, doing that.

Well, I guess I was a bit wired in January doing house stuff, but that's a lot more fun and satisfying -- it's work for me, and that makes all the difference. I mean, I like doing things for other people, but it's less ulcer-inducing when I'm doing my own stuff. At least then, if things don't work out right or don't come out any good, at least it's only me I'm disappointing.

Of course, there's still a plate full of stuff to do....that, I'm guessin', will never end.

I spent about 3 hours last night just archiving files so that I can utterly re-format the upstairs computer -- my computer. When it's done, trust me -- I'm not lettin' anyone else use it. Spending 40 hours or so of my life cleaning up my own machine because someone else (read: kids) managed to get me virused is not, um, fun. Or edifying. Or even much better than a sharp stick in the booty.

Do guys have booties?


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