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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I really hate cars. I don't take good care of them -- partly from, you know, the "hating them" thing -- and I'm not interested in defining myself through my wheels.

That said, I spend a lot of time in my car. My drive to work takes between 50 and 75 minutes each way. I do indulge my brain in audiobooks, which helps. Still, a couple or three hours a day of being surround by idiots who drive worse than me (and hey, I bet I'm the only guy on the road who thinks that) can be dauntingly sucky. To quote the bard.

I have a ten-year-old Volvo which is really pretty nice, and is a nice drive. It's also, you know, ten years old, which means it breaks a lot. Which makes me drive my 12 year old Subaru. Which is, frankly, a reliable, safe, piece of shit. It's meant for someone shorter than the time I get out of it, my knees feel like Gumby in the freezer. Bend at your own risk.

It'd be nice to get this new job -- which is looking good, but moving sloooowly, damn it to hell -- and the (presumed) incumbent raise. The drive will be much shorter (more like 20 to 25 minutes), and I can afford a better car to do it in.

(heh heh he said "do it" heh heh)

Anyway. So much is dependent upon things changing....and I'm ready.


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