Just catching up on some of my spam, and I have some questions.
Isn't "Viagra Soft Tabs" an oxymoron?
Should I even consider a stock tip sent to me by "Mature Slut Greasy"?
Isn't "Christian Women Who Want To Do You" just inherently wrong?
Should I refinance my home with an organization that misspells "refinance"?
Should I forward to all my friends a message whose subject is "I bedminster leflors" or "it jenkinsville those milton"?
Admittedly, I am flattered that a host of russian women are interested in me, but isn't it curious that Evgenia, Lutvinka, Tatians, and Nadia all refer to me as "dear friend", and are all interested in "meeting the man of income and breeding, who is family and merry"?
Given the quantity of porn that pretty much arrives daily in my inbox, why would I actually pay for it?
Why do I send messages to myself, offering myself a deal on replica watches?
How does anyone get anything done on eMail anymore?
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
I just love the fact that I got blog-spammed on a posting about spam.
And they say God has no sense of humor.
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