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Monday, November 07, 2005


Here's how the weekend was supposed to go:

Build the theatre set.
Rake the leaves.
Finish (or at least seriously dent) the software.
Re-write the script.
Finish scanning pics for web page.
Re-write the web page.
Compose the marketing cover letter.
Import DVD videos for Eagle COH.

Here's how the weekend went:
Built the theatre set.
Imported videos.
Raked the leaves (and then watched God re-disperse them with gale force winds).
Drank a bottle of shiraz.
Felt guilty over not writing software and not re-writing a script and not scanning and not web-page building and not cover letter writing.

So. I'm behind(er), and feeling bad about it. And, had I not woken up (for good) at 3:30 this morning (after having woken up (for good) at 3:45 on Saturday night), I'd be all ready to re-put my nasal thing to the grindstone. As it is, the thought of staying up all night writing and writing and scanning and building and writing is daunting, to say the least.

Mind you, I'll do it. I have no choice. I'll do it.

But there's no law that says I have to be happy about it; or that says I can't blogwhine about it.


At 5:17 PM, Blogger Aisha T. said...

Take care of yourself, Ted. And don't be so hard on yourself ;-)


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