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Friday, November 04, 2005

Short and (semi) sweet

Last night wasn't much of a news night in Tedworld -- sequestered myself (O.J. jury style) in my study, and work work worked on software. I have to admit, though, it's coming out really good.

Well, okay, I don't have to admit it -- but I want to. It's good. When you're in the middle of a ridiculously stressful workload, it's at least a small consolation/help to feel like you're accomplishing good things.

Tonight? I still have tons to do -- but (as of this moment, anyway) my plan is to chill and cocoon instead.


At 12:10 PM, Blogger Aisha T. said...

Sounds like a good plan. I took the weekend off so I could be at the hospital when the sis has the babe. But, it looks like I have work to do. My nephew informed me as i put him on the bus that when he comes back from school, we are going to be on a pirate ship. He will be the captain and from the description of my duties, I seem to be first lackey. My mother gave a huge hurrah saying she was glad that he had someone else to be his whipping post in the imagination game. Seems as if he's been running grandma ragged.

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Ted said...

My life would be so much better with a lackey....first or otherwise.

I'm a lackey-lacker.


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