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Monday, February 06, 2006

Not so bad

Well, after getting into the theatre on Saturday and beginning tech work for the next show, things aren't as bad as I thought. I designed (on the fly!) a new, fairly simple and easy (yet (hopefully) effective) set, and we'll be able to get the thing basically up in one session....then we'll just need to focus on set dressing and such.

Although....I am going to try something I've never done before -- I'm going to try to build a false backyard for the brownstone that is the main set. You'll be able to see through the walls to the back yard, and even though I'll only have about 30 inches behind the back flats, if I build the perspective on the fence right, it'll look like we're looking back into a large fenced in yard. 's gonna be fun to try, anyway.

And if it doesn't work....thank God for black paint.


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