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Wednesday, November 16, 2005


October's colors were spectacular this year -- and (for a change) we got a fair amount of sunshine with which to actually see them. Fall (and, um, every other season) in Cleveland is not renowned for its never-ending sunshine.

They're calling for a chance of snow tomorrow. Normally, the first snow kinda bums me (and this one will too, I'm sure). But, to be fair, it was a remarkably nice summer. Not overwhelmingly hot; mostly dry (but with enough rain to keep things from turning their normal August sepia). And it had some longevity -- consider how pleasantly warm, sunny, and clear was last weekend (even though it was, according to my calendar, the second weekend in November). So, after two years of crap (last winter was horrible and snowy and long and horrible; last summer was hot hot hot....the year before, the summer was cold cold cold and that winter, too, was horrible and snowy and long and horrible), this summer was pleasantly pleasant.

I just hope we don't set a record again this winter. I hate shoveling and bundling and freezing and slipping and sliding. Skiers are clearly nuts.


At 11:24 AM, Blogger Aisha T. said...

I love to ski but, I've been told a time or two that I've been nuts. I'm enjoying watching central Park change.


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