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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Good Dad


My son and his friends decided they should toilet paper another friend's house last night.

As a homeowner, I know what a mess TP can be, so I went to talk to them about it. I intended to explain the consequences of their actions, so forth.....

By the time we were done talking, I had given them pointers on how best to do it, tips on how to move silently through the neighborhood so they won't get caught, how to use hand signals so they can do the job silently. "Be little ninjas," I told them. "Surgical strike." Then I provided them with the multi-packs of TP to use.

What a role model I am.

Roll model?


At 11:12 AM, Blogger Aisha T. said...

LOL! What a great way to start my morning reading this post! I was dying. It must be difficult to advise against something that we used to do as kids and also in the end pretty harmless. Annoying and irritating for the victim but, harmless. Yeah, I know it's wrong. We used to egg my French teachers class once a week because she was mean. I feel a twinge of guilt with that one because it gets freezing cold in Montana. Then the twinge passes. If I had more roll models like you, I could have gotten more inventive.


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