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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Age causes pain and memory loss

For the past month or so, I've had a headache (it varies in intensity from day to day, but doesn't actually go away); and both knees ache crazily. They take turns, the little traitors, but they don't seem inclined to give up the sharp little jolts of pain whenever I take even one step up or (especially!) down the stairs.

I'm starting (really, I am!) a morning regimen of light workouts and a walk every single day. That's my plan, at least. It'll be good for me (physically and psychologically) even if it doesn't actually help with the (stupid) knee pain.

I think I need a vacation (which sounds stupid, given that I just had several days off for the holidays -- but I'm not sure they count). I think a week of lounging in Acapulco would do me 'bout right.


At 3:14 PM, Blogger Aisha T. said...

Holidays are stressful, so a vacation sounds like just the key.


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