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Wednesday, January 11, 2006


It would appear that I have resolved not to do anything; given that I haven't blogged in forever...but actually, I've been busier'n Fema ("You're doin' a heckuva job, Teddy").

In the past 10 days (this by way of keeping track (dunno why) of the stuff I've been doin'), I've:

stripped wallpaper in one room
painted the ceiling in said room
rewired two lamps
(finally!) organized and put away (neatly!) my backpacking gear
fixed the outside light by the laundry room
wired and installed a light with a motion detector on the deck
took down the tree, boxed up the Christmas decorations, and put 'em all away!
cleared useless crap from the garage (to the attic and/or the shed)
reformatted and set up Michael's computer and Mackenzie's computer
repaired the broken ping-pong table
organized and decrapped the back basement; and cleared (mostly) the wooden shelves
worked on the rewrite of my novel

Huh. Doesn't seem like that much when I write it all down, but it felt like a lot when I was doin' it. Still, there is a ton to do (especially in the basement), but one day at a time will (in theory) get it done. Of course, in theory, Communism works.


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