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Friday, March 10, 2006


Well, knowing I'm being neurotic doesn't seem to help with the cessation of said neuroses....

Or, more succinctly, I'm wack.

I like the song I'm auditioning with on Monday (and I (at this moment only) am (sort of) satisfied with how I sound singing it) -- but I don't care for the accompaniment. It's sort of....blah, ordinary. I think there's much more that can be done with it -- more to the point, I think a better piano part will enhance the drama of my singing. One hopes.


I'm going to write my own arrangement of it this weekend. It's not a real long song, so it shouldn't take me too long to compose a much more dramatic piano score. In theory, at least.

And, for what it's worth, I will make sure the music director knows I wrote my own arrangement -- it can't hurt, I don't think, for her to know that I know my way around a staff.

Which may sound dirty, but ain't.


At 4:09 PM, Blogger Aisha T. said...

Wow! Impressive. Definitely mention it to the musical director. Good luck tomorrow!


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