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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Why We Do It

I will say, though, that I am really enjoying this cast. Odd divas aside, this is a group of talents, who (mostly) put the show first, and who genuinely like and respect each other.

Which makes for enjoyable after-rehearsal beer.

Which makes for better chemisty; which makes for a better show.

Yes, I am a proponent of the "beer improves all things" school of philosophy.

Which reminds me: the diet is going pretty well. I've lost 14 pounds now (goal is around 20)...and last Saturday and this Monday, I had a couple of beer and a dozen wings. If this continues, I'm going to write the "Beer and Hot Wings Diet" book. The hot sauce is the key -- it speeds up your metabolism to burn off the unwanted calories, while pleasing your taste buds (thus incenting you to stay on the diet). Of course, it also burns a hole in your stomach lining, but I might not mention that in the book...

The sad thing is that if I actually did write the book, it would sell.


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